Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bennington Lake Field Trip Results - October 19

Nine people participated in a walk around the lake on this crisp, clear morning.  The fall colors were beautiful and many nice birds were seen by the group.  The highlight of the walk was a flyover of seven tundra swans as we were returning to the parking lot.  They circled twice before heading off in a southerly direction.  We saw a total of 32 species with the highlights being:
    western grebes
    greater yellowlegs
    fox sparrows
    Townsend's solitaires
    northern shrike
    yellow-rumped warblers
    ruby-crowned kinglets
    cedar waxwings

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bennington Lake

There were more winter arrivals at Bennington Lake on Tuesday, October 14.  We saw the first northern shrike of the fall, as well as a Wilson's snipe, three Townsend's solitaires, 37 white-fronted geese and a late common yellowthroat
Join us on Sunday for the field trip to see what else might be around.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bennington Lake birds

We watched and listened to a large flock of white-fronted geese circle and land on the lake as we were crossing the dam.  They were joined by 15 ring-necked ducks and the usual waterfowl - mallards, wigeons, green-winged teals and pintails.  Two western grebes continue to be present as well.  A turkey vulture circled the lake and red-tailed hawks seemed to be on the move - we saw eight of them.  The only shorebirds seen were five greater yellowlegs, one long-billed dowitcher and three killdeer.  Townsend's solitaires have returned - we saw and heard two of them singing at the north end of the lake.  It was another beautiful fall day - clear, crisp and colorful.