Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bennington Lake

MerryLynn and I walked Bennington Lake on a cold windy morning on April 29.  The weather was less than ideal, but the birding was outstanding!  There were 8 black-necked stilts, 2 greater yellowlegs, and a Wilson's phalarope on the west side peninsula.  New spring migrants included 7 orange crowned warblers, 4 Nashville warblers, 3 yellow warblers, 10 western kingbirds, 6 Hammond's flycatchers, 1 dusky flycatcher, 3 Brewer's sparrows, a chipping sparrow, a Savannah sparrow, 4 house wrens, 3 Vaux's swifts, and a barn swallow.  Waterfowl included bufflehead, gadwall, mallard, redhead, ring-necked duck, shoveler, lesser scaup, cinnamon teal, canada geese with goslings, and coots.  We had a total of 59 species for the morning.  On the way home there were bank swallows in the cut on Berney Drive.


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