It's warming up and the birds were very active. We watched several young birds being fed by parents - downy woodpecker, flicker,and western wood peewee. Unfortunately we also saw a young cowbird being fed by a yellow warbler. Young chickadees and house wrens were busy scurrying around while their parents fussed at us. Yellow breasted chats were very visible and noisy. Western wood peewees, Bullock's orioles, black-headed grosbeaks and yellow warblers added to the chorus. One young great horned owl was on a snag in the canal and an adult was in a tree nearby. We saw no waterfowl today. In past years we have had goslings and ducklings but evidently they nested someplace else this year.
When the weather gets hot the birds are active early morning and evening, so if you plan to walk the lake in July I recommend you go early or late in the evening. Ginger
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