Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hawk Watch Field Trip Results

Thirteen Blue Mountain Audubon members, 4 Pendleton Bird Club members and a couple from Lower Columbia Audubon in the Tri-Cities spent the morning on Bald Mountain searching for migrating hawks.  It was the first time we have tried a hawk watch, and I was pleasantly surprised with the results - we saw 39 raptors in less than four hours.  There were also numerous red-crossbills, yellow-rumped warblers, pine siskins, robins, Steller's jays, a few mountain chickadees and an assortment of other mountain birds.  Here is the breakdown of the raptors seen:
    American kestrel - 3
    Sharp-shinned hawk - 4
    Cooper's hawk - 8
    Accipiter species - 1
    Red-tailed hawk - 12
    Buteo species - 4
    Turkey vulture - 8
Thanks to all of those folks with good eyes who could identify the little black specks in the sky!     Ginger

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