Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tree Swallows at Bennington Lake

The tree swallows are back.  There were six near the boxes at the south end of the lake and three along the canal.  One of the poles at the south end had been unscrewed and was laying down.  We re-attached it to the base and the birds were flying in and out of the box even before we finished securing it.  Now, that's a bird that gets down to business!!  The great horned owl has chicks.  There was one barely visible and hopefully more tucked under mom's wing. 
Songbirds were singing this morning - finches, Bewick's wrens, chickadees, song sparrows, robins and ruby crowned kinglets.  It's so nice to hear their sweet voices again as we walk around the lake.  A female harrier spent considerable time dive bombing a red-tailed hawk, obviously not wanting the red-tail near her nesting grounds.  Doves were cooing, killdeer were calling and red-winged blackbirds were singing.  Spring is coming to Bennington Lake.  It only gets better each week now.  Get out there so you don't miss the fun.     Ginger

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