Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Summer Birds Are Back!

Today was a great birding day at Bennington Lake.  All of the birds that nest there are back now, and we also had some nice migrants that are just stopping by on their way up to the mountains.  And the nicest part about this morning was the fact that we got to see the birds and not just hear them.  Hearing the summer birds sing is part of the magic at the lake, but seeing them is an added bonus.  Here are the highlights of the morning walk.....time to get out there and see the birds.    Ginger
Cinnamon teal - 3
Greater scaup - 3
Spotted sandpiper - 1
Bullock's oriole - 12
Western tanager - 7
Black-headed grosbeak - 5
Cedar waxwing - 3
Great horned owl - 2
Calliope hummingbird - 2
Tree swallow - 4
Rough-winged swallow - 13
Cliff swallow - 45
Barn swallow - 1
House wren - 14
Yellow-rumped warbler - 3
Yellow warbler - 30
Warbling vireo - 3
Western wood peewee - 6
Gray catbird - 1
Western kingbird - 4
Eastern kingbird - 2
Yellow-breasted chat - 2
Lazuli bunting - 5
Chipping sparrow - 2

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