Walla Walla is full of western tanagers. I have had people call or email me to say they are seeing them "by the dozens". If you haven't seen them, take a look in the trees outside your yard - they are probably there. Rooks Park and the Mill Creek trail are another place to look, as well as Bennington Lake. Rodger and I were at Rooks Park this morning and saw them, plus many of the other summer birds. We did see one unexpected bird - an olive sided flycatcher. We saw another one on Russell Creek Road so they must be moving through.
MerryLynn and I birded Biscuit Ridge Road yesterday. There were birds everywhere after the hard rain the day before. Dry Creek was anything but dry and there were several impromptu "streams" coming down from the hills. Recent arrivals seen for the county were veery, Swainson's thrush, willow flycatcher and western flycatcher.
Join Rodger and I tomorrow on our Audubon Field Trip. We're going to look for summer birds along Foster Road and South Fork Russell Creek Road. If the past few days are any indication, there should be lots of birds. Ginger
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