Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Birds at Bennington Lake

We saw our first killdeer chick today on the dam.  There were quite a few ducks on the water - ring-necked ducks, buffleheads, gadwall, mallards and eared grebes.  Five osprey spent the morning flying around the lake.  One of them had a fish, but it never landed to eat it.  We were wondering if this is some sort of courting behavior.  Summer migrants today included Bullock's orioles, western tanagers, MacGillivray's warblers, lazuli buntings,a Wilson's warbler and one black-headed grosbeak.  Of course the house wrens and yellow warblers were there in good numbers, serenading us with their songs.  We heard a yellow-breasted chat, but couldn't locate it.
Over the weekend, a group from the Tri-Cities found a juvenile northern saw-whet owl along the trail.  We looked , but couldn't relocate it.  They also found a green-tailed towhee on Biscuit Ridge and lesser goldfinches new Tom Lamb's place.
The birds are trickling in, but there hasn't been a great influx of summer migrants.   Ginger

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