Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cold and Windy Morning

It was lousy weather for our Bennington Lake walk this morning.  We were all bundled up in our winter clothes again – not a good sign for spring migrants.  The only new returnee we saw today was a spotted sandpiper.  There was a surprise visit from a black-necked stilt.  The lake is very high with no good place for it to wade, so it flew off.  Today was a day of yellow birds – large flocks of American goldfinches and 12 western kingbirds.  Both were very noisy.  We saw and heard a few house wrens, but not as many as last week.  There were two ospreys and over 200 swallows, mostly cliff with a few tree and violet-green mixed in.  The only ducks were three mallards, six northern shovelers and four bufflehead.  Still no warblers.  Next week.....  Ginger
footnote* On Saturday there were yellow warblers and fox sparrows singing all along S. Fork Coppei Creek Road.

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