Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Red phalarope on Bennington Lake

The Tuesday morning walkers found a RED PHALAROPE on Bennington Lake this morning. A first for Bennington Lake and a rare county species.  We chased it around the lake and Judy finally got some photos of it.  You can see these on the Blue Mountain Audubon Facebook page. Thanks to Sue for finding it, Judy for photographing it and MerryLynn for identifying it. 
The air was a clear and crisp this morning – a beautiful day for a walk.  There were  28 killdeer and 3 long-billed dowitchers in the mud. We also saw few singing Townsend's solitaires, 3 northern harriers, a sharp-shinned hawk, a red-tailed hawk and lots of ruby-crowned kinglets , black-capped chickadees, dark-eyed juncos and white-crowned sparrows darting in and out of the shrubs and trees as we enjoyed our walk.  We saw 25 species today.

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