Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Here Come the Birds!

Bennington Lake was alive with birds this morning.  On the water were ruddy ducks, buffleheads, a ring-necked duck, mallards, coots and northern shovelers. A spotted sandpiper, several killdeer and a great blue heron were on the shore. The Bullock's orioles have returned – we heard them all around the lake and got good looks at a couple of them.  As we got to the bench on the east side of the canal we heard a yellow-breasted chat.  After much searching we found him right in the open where we could see him well.  Paul carries his scope with him, so we were able to really get a good look.  Thank you Paul!  We also saw a lazuli bunting and a beautiful male yellow-rumped warbler.  We saw western kingbirds in several places. Yellow warblers and house wrens were abundant.  There were two ospreys, a red-tailed hawk and two northern harriers soaring overhead.  Of course cliff, tree and rough-winged swallows were everywhere.  The young great horned owls were on the bank in the parking lot.  Next week will bring even more birds, so get out there and enjoy!

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