Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bennington Lake - Birds on the Move

Migration is under way at Bennington Lake.  We saw a red-naped sapsucker, a hairy woodpecker, two western tanagersWilson's warbler and a solitary sandpiper.  These are all birds that are moving through (or coming back in case of the hairy woodpecker).  Some of the birds are scarce now - Bullock's oriole and western kingbird.  There are more barn swallows over the lake and Vaux's swift numbers have increased - we saw over 50 on Tuesday.  Finches are abundant in the sunflower patches.  The Bewick's wrens are starting to sing again and we saw plenty of juvenile house wrens.  Because the lake is being drained there will be more mud each week.  That could mean there will be migrating shorebirds, so watch for them.  It will be interesting to see what birds we see at the lake with the change in the water levels.  There probably won't be as much waterfowl in October as usual, but those that do visit will be concentrated and easier to see.  I'll keep you posted.     Ginger

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