Saturday, August 8, 2009

Blue Mountain Audubon Field Trip - Mountain Birding

Mike and MerryLynn Denny took 10 of us up Jasper Mountain today to look for birds on the move.  The cool/sunny weather was perfect - a nice change from the 100+ degree days we've been having.  We saw 59 species including some surprises.  The biggest surprise was finding a solitary sandpiper at a mud hole high in the mountains.  There were pygmy nuthatches at another water hole near our bluebird boxes along with western and mountain bluebirds.  We saw 10 species of flycatchers!  western wood peewee, olive-sided flycatcher, willow flycatcher, Hammond's flycatcher, dusky flycatcher, least flycatcher, western flycatcher, gray flycatcher, eastern kingbird and western kingbird. WOW!  We saw MacGillivray's, Wilson's, orange-crowned, Townsend's, yellow rumped and yellow warblers.  Red crossbills, chestnut backed chickadees, turkey vultures  - the list goes on.....  A great trip!

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