Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bennington Lake birds

On Tuesday the walkers saw a nice selection of birds including 4 horned grebes, a Wilson's snipe, 2  calliope hummingbirds and a gray catbird (the earliest record for the County).  Since I missed the Tuesday walk, I decided to walk this morning.  There was a chipping sparrow at the south end of the lake and the lake was full of ducks!  2 pair of cinnamon teal, 13 green-winged teals, 7 ring-necked ducks, 10 scaup, 7 shovelers, 36 buffleheads, 13 wigeons, 3 mallards and 7 coots.  Two osprey were busy fishing.  The owl nest has been vandalized, but hopefully the chicks are okay.  The Corp Ranger and Game Warden are investigating.  Ginger

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