Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bennington Lake today

It was windy and cold, but we saw and heard some nice spring birds this morning on our walk around the lake.
Highlights were 9 WESTERN KINGBIRDS, 3 HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHERS, 1 LINCOLN'S SPARROW, and 8 CHIPPING SPARROWS. We heard HOUSE WRENS, a YELLOW WARBLER, a WARBLING VIREO and a CASSIN'S VIREO.  There were over 200 swallows hunting insects over the lake – TREE, CLIFF, VIOLET-GREEN, NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED and BANK.  We watched an opportunistic OSPREY try to steal a fish that a fisherman had laying on the ground near him. It's nice to see that some of the birds are returning.  If the weather warms up, there should be more by next Tuesday.  Ginger

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