Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bennington Lake Bluebirds

This morning on our weekly walk we saw both mountain and western bluebirds.  The mountain bluebirds were too far away to get a good look, but the western bluebirds were right along the canal where we cross the cement.  There was an adult bald eagle on the edge of the lake and a northern shrike on the far west side.  The Townsend's solitaires, robins and Bewick's wrens were all singing. There were two canvasbacks in with the common mergansers on the lake.  Other waterfowl were green winged teals and American wigeons.  The great horned owl is still in the hole at the parking lot.  Killdeer are back but we didn't see any swallows yet.
Every week should bring in more birds so get out there if you have a chance.