Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Snow Geese and White-fronted Geese at Bennington

As we were watching a group of AMERICAN PIPITS and a SAY'S PHOEBE on the dam at the beginning of our walk today, geese began circling overhead.  We watched as 13 WHITE-FRONTED GEESE came down and landed on the northeast corner of the lake.  Then, after circling for about five minutes, 21 SNOW GEESE flew in and landed with the other geese.  They looked tired and settled down to rest.  The calm waters and the golden color of the cottonwoods reflected on the water made it a beautiful scene.  They were still there when we finished our walk three hours later.  Fortunately there weren't dogs running on the edge of the lake this morning so the geese got to rest - at least for a few hours.  This was truly the beauty of nature at its best.  Ginger

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Snow Goose at Bennington Lake

We were very happy to see a snow goose fly in with about 150 canada geese this morning on our walk.  The seasons have definitely taken a turn toward fall as was evidenced by the low number of species today.  The only remaining summer birds were 7 barn swallows.  Most of the shorebirds were gone. Only 10 long-billed dowitchers, 14 killdeer, 1 great blue heron and 1 black-bellied plover were on the mud.  Two belted kingfishers chased each other around the east side of the lake and there was a double-crested cormorant, 2 green-winged teal, 3 mallards,American wigeon and a ring-necked duck on the water.  One American pipit was on the mud and a Cassin's vireo was in the willows.  White-crowned sparrows, song sparrows, juncos, black-capped chickadees and both ruby-crowned and golden-crowned kinglets dotted the trees.  The usual flickers, downy woodpeckers, yellow-rumped warblers, Bewick's wrens and house finches were present.  It was a crisp morning and a pleasant walk.  Ginger

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ruff at Two Rivers HMU

Mike and MerryLynn found another rare migrant.  It is only the 4th record of a RUFF in Walla Walla County, and the last one was over 12 years ago.  MerryLynn called me and I drove right out to the parking area at the end of the road, and then bush wacked with her through tall grass to the muddy shoreline.  The bird was gone when I arrived, but returned about a half hour later.  How nice to have a chance to see this rare visitor to our county.  Thank you again Mike and MerryLynn for making it possible.  Ginger

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mountain Birding


MerryLynn and I took advantage of the beautiful fall weather today to visit the mountains before hunting season is in full swing.  We drove up Lewis Peak Road and circled around down Jasper Mountain Road.  Highlights on Jasper Mountain included a northern goshawk,a hairy woodpecker, mountain and chestnut-backed chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, golden crowned and ruby crowned kinglets, juncos, flickers and yellow-rumped warblers.  On Jasper Mountain we found western bluebirds, pygmy nuthatches, a golden-crowned sparrow, and a golden eagle,  along with spotted towhees,  chipping and white-crowned sparrows, robins and  more kinglets, yellow-rumped warblers and chickadees.  It was nice to enjoy the beauty of the mountains one more time.  Ginger