Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pelicans over Bennington Lake

We watched eleven American white pelicans circling over Bennington Lake on our walk this morning.  They seem to be coming further east from the Columbia River all the time - first the Walla Walla River, and now Bennington Lake.  Forty-two canada geese also circled and landed on the lake.  We were surprised to find six western tanagers, mostly males.  All the birds were enjoying the serviceberries and the hawthorn berries - especially the tanagers, black-headed grosbeaks, robins and cedar waxwings.  Two red-crossbills flew over and landed in the trees on the north side of the lake.  The swallows are pretty much done nesting and will be leaving before long.  Last week there were over 200 bank swallows enjoying the insects over the water.  Many of the birds are feeding young - summer is going by too fast.  Better get out and enjoy them while they are still around!     Ginger

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Barn Owls

I received this email from Peter and Barbara Castle about their resident barn owl.  They live on the Walla Walla River Road so are fortunate to have some wonderful birds in their yard. I hope you enjoy their story.    Ginger
"For several years we have had a lovely barn owl occupying a walnut in front of my shop in the small pasture for most of the late Spring and Summer.  "Barney" has kept us amused with sightings in his habitat and evening and early morning flights.  This morning one of my chores took me under the walnut and back.  I experienced an explosion of owls.  "Barney" and two fledglings.  Apparently "Barney" has all this time been "Barnette".  I had thought it strange that there was so much whitewash under the walnut this year. 
We also have in residence a pair of black headed grosbeaks that frequent the sunflower seed feeder, as well as Bullock's orioles, yellow warblers, and western tanagers."