Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Northern Shrikes at Bennington Lake
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bennington Lake today
We saw 3 surf scoters, a pair of bufflehead, a ring-necked duck, and western grebe a greater yellowlegs and 23 long-billed dowitchers on our morning walk today. Several Townsend's solitaires called from the treetops and an osprey was circling the lake. There were also over 200 robins, large numbers of flickers, white-crowned sparrows, cedar waxwings and red-winged blackbirds. Ruby crowned kinglets, Bewick's wrens, juncos, song sparrows, downy woodpeckers, chickadees and yellow-rumped warblers added to the mix. It was a cold morning, but we beat the rain. Ginger
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bennington Lake today
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bennington Lake
Late afternoon on October 4, I walked Bennington Lake with Mike and MerryLynn and Priscilla Dauble. There were 9 great egrets in the cottonwoods in the southeast corner of the lake. Shorebirds were abundant56 killdeer, 2 pectoral sandpipers, 10 long-billed dowitchers, 4 greater yellowlegs, and a least sandpiper. There also was a great variety of waterfowlcommon mergansers, American wigeons, northern shovelers, lesser scaup, western grebes, mallards, canada geese, green winged teal, northern pintails, a blue winged teal, a pied bill grebe and a ring-necked duck. It was very windy we saw very few passerinesa few robins, American pipits and flickers. There was a varied thrush in the trees by the parking lot. Ginger