Many of the winter birds are back! There were probably 100 white-crowned sparrows singing from every point on the trail. Juncos were also plentiful. We saw four Townsend's solitaires, a varied thrush and saw or heard four hermit thrushes. Not as many shorebirds today - just killdeers, pectoral sandpipers, greater yellowlegs and long-billed dowitchers. One great egret and a great blue heron were standing elegantly along the edge of the mud, and an osprey flew over. We saw a total of 40 species.
The fall colors are beautiful, from the golden yellow of the cottonwoods to the deep red of the sumac. Time to get out and take a walk around the lake. There is construction starting that will limit use of the entire Kingfisher trail, but there is still a good deal of open area. Ginger
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