Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bennington Lake


Late afternoon on October 4, I walked Bennington Lake with Mike and MerryLynn and Priscilla Dauble. There were 9 great egrets in the cottonwoods in the southeast corner of the lake.  Shorebirds were abundant—56 killdeer, 2 pectoral sandpipers, 10 long-billed dowitchers, 4 greater yellowlegs, and a least sandpiper. There also was a great variety of waterfowl—common mergansers, American wigeons, northern shovelers, lesser scaup, western grebes, mallards, canada geese, green winged teal, northern pintails, a blue winged teal, a pied bill grebe and a ring-necked duck.  It was very windy we saw very few passerines—a few robins, American pipits and flickers.  There was a varied thrush in the trees by the parking lot.        Ginger

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