Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bennington Lake today


We saw 3 surf scoters, a pair of bufflehead, a ring-necked duck, and western grebe a greater yellowlegs and 23 long-billed dowitchers on our morning walk today.  Several Townsend's solitaires called from the treetops and an osprey was circling the lake. There were also over 200 robins, large numbers of flickers,  white-crowned sparrows, cedar waxwings and red-winged blackbirds.  Ruby crowned kinglets, Bewick's wrens, juncos, song sparrows, downy woodpeckers, chickadees and yellow-rumped warblers added to the mix.  It was a cold morning, but we beat the rain.   Ginger


1 comment:

Make Do and Mend said...

We walked the trail near Fort Walla Walla yesterday. What a great spot. Among other birds, we saw two owls in the barn on the property. We watched them for about 20 minutes from outside the barn - definitely not wanting to disturb such an amazing sight. They seemed too large for barn owls, but we're not experts by any means. An amazing sight!