Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sandpipers and young birds

On our Bennington Lake walk this morning, we were surprised to find four WESTERN SANDPIPERS and one LEAST SANDPIPER along the base of the dam. Also, on the water were 17 NORTHERN SHOVELERS.  The summer birds have started to bring off young.  We saw seven young HOUSE WRENS and two young BULLOCK'S ORIOLES. Many of the others are feeding young, so it won't be long before the lake will be popping with young LAZULI BUNTINGS, WESTERN WOOD PEEWEES, YELLOW WARBLERS, YELLOW BREASTED CHATS, GRAY CATBIRDS, SPOTTED SANDPIPERS and CEDAR WAXWINGS. There were over 100 BANK SWALLOWS, the usual TREE, CLIFF and ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOWS, as well as several VAUX'S SWIFTS. I encourage you to take an early morning walk around the lake - the birding is great!  Ginger

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