Friday, June 19, 2009

Bennington Lake Evening Walk

Eleven people enjoyed a leisurely walk at Bennington Lake Thursday evening.  The great horned owl chicks were sitting in the open along the canal begging for food.  Gray catbirds were very vocal and easy to see, as well as a yellow-breasted chat, western wood peewees, willow flycatchers, Bullock's orioles, cedar waxwings and black-headed grosbeaks.  Yellow warblers and house wrens were abundant.  A pair of downy woodpeckers were feeding young and there were recently fledged tree swallows on a branch being fed by their parents.  Mike Denny led the group and pointed out various plants along the way, explaining their importance and sometimes their determent to the wildlife.  Poison hemlock is very high right now so the trail was a little hard to walk through in spots.  However, it has been cut back so the trail is at least visible.  On Tuesday it was a real jungle!
It was a good outing.  We will be doing another evening walk the third Thursday of July - this time to Coppei Creek.  Hopefully you can join us.     Ginger

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