Saturday, July 18, 2009

Coppei Creek Evening Walk

Nineteen people enjoyed a leisurely walk on South Fork Coppei Creek Thursday evening.  It was very warm when we began the walk, but cooled off a bit before we finished.  Birds were not as active because of the heat, but we did see a nice sampling of the birds that utilize the dense brush and grassy hillsides along the road.  Cedar waxwings, willow flycatchers and western wood peewees were fly catching from the tree tops. Western tanagers, black-headed grosbeaks and yellow warblers darted back and forth across the road.  Veerys, gray catbirds, house wrens and yellow-breasted chats serenaded us from their hiding places and a great blue heron flew down the creek. Several wild turkeys and two deer could be seen in the wheat fields across the creek. Swallows and swifts swirled around up high - all in all, a nice evening of bird watching. Jon Lundak saw three great horned owls under the overpass at the first exit into Walla Walla on his way back to town.

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