Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Begins Fieldtrip - March 20


Mike and MerryLynn Denny led a Blue Mountain Audubon fieldtrip to the west side of the county on March 20.  A total of 69 species were seen by the group.  Highlights of the trip were  watching a displaying long-billed curlew on Lamdin Road, looking through scopes at a peregrine falcon and a prairie falcon on the cliffs in Wallula Gap and listening to the canyon wrens sing, watching a common loon on the Columbia River in Wallula Gap, seeing the large flock of snow geese at McNary NWR, looking at tundra swans and white-fronted geese at Casey Pond,  marveling at a chukar gliding most of the way down Hatch Grade, looking at wildflowers in Wallula Gap and on Hatch Grade and watching a mink swimming on the Walla Walla River on Byrnes Road.      

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