Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Birds Field Trip

This morning was our field trip to look for summer birds.  The weather was great after a week of rain and wind.  The birds seem to be enjoying the sunshine also.  We saw 40 species of birds including most of the target birds.  Highlights of the trip:
western kingbird
eastern kingbird
rufous hummingbird
house wren
warbling vireo
Bullock's oriole
western tanager
black-headed grosbeak
western wood peewee
willow flycatcher
western flycatcher
lazuli bunting
yellow warbler
MacGillivray's warbler
yellow-breasted chat
gray catbird
great horned owl - one adult and two chicks
veery - heard only
One person in the group happened to turn around on S. Fork Russell Creek Road just in time to see a bobcat cross the road.
I hope you'll join us on our last field trip of the summer on June 19, or on one of the 3rd Thursday evening walks during the summer.   Ginger

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