Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Snow Goose at Bennington Lake

We were very happy to see a snow goose fly in with about 150 canada geese this morning on our walk.  The seasons have definitely taken a turn toward fall as was evidenced by the low number of species today.  The only remaining summer birds were 7 barn swallows.  Most of the shorebirds were gone. Only 10 long-billed dowitchers, 14 killdeer, 1 great blue heron and 1 black-bellied plover were on the mud.  Two belted kingfishers chased each other around the east side of the lake and there was a double-crested cormorant, 2 green-winged teal, 3 mallards,American wigeon and a ring-necked duck on the water.  One American pipit was on the mud and a Cassin's vireo was in the willows.  White-crowned sparrows, song sparrows, juncos, black-capped chickadees and both ruby-crowned and golden-crowned kinglets dotted the trees.  The usual flickers, downy woodpeckers, yellow-rumped warblers, Bewick's wrens and house finches were present.  It was a crisp morning and a pleasant walk.  Ginger

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