Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bennington Lake After the Snow

We finally got out to walk Bennington Lake this morning after missing last week because of the weather.  Our first encounter was a NORTHERN SHRIKE chasing a YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER in the cottonwoods on the south side of the lake.  There was another shrike on the northeast side.  We watched a HAIRY WOODPECKER busily working a cottonwood tree on the east side and there were several DOWNY WOODPECKERS in the same general area.  JUNCOS and ROBINS were abundant all around the lake.  There was one GREAT HORNED OWL in the trees on the east side, and several TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRES scattered around the lake.  The water was frozen so we saw no waterfowl, killdeer or herons.  Early in the walk, the sun tried to come through the clouds, but the fog drifted in and we could barely see the far side of the lake when we returned to our cars.  It was nice to be out walking after several days of snow and ice.  Ginger

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