Sunday, February 13, 2011

Winter Raptor Field Trip

Nineteen enthusiastic birders went out looking for wintering raptors on February 12.  The weather was balmy and a little breezy, but we saw some very nice birds.  Watching two golden eagles soaring above the fields near Clyde was certainly a highlight.  Later another golden eagle was seen being harassed by several common ravens.  At least a dozen long-eared owls were seen in one spot, and a lone bird was found sitting in a deserted tree (not where you would expect to see a long-eared owl).  We also saw 3 great horned owls and one barn owl.  We watched a beautiful prairie falcon in flight and then were able to get great views with our scopes of it sitting in a tree.  Rounding out the raptors seen for the day were 44 red-tailed hawks, 23 American kestrels, and 4 northern harriers.  It was a fun day of birding and I want to thank everyone for helping to spot some wonderful birds.   Ginger

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