Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bennington Lake Swallows

Five of us put on our rain coats and walked around Bennington Lake this morning.  It didn't rain the entire time, but we were all glad we had worn protective gear.  The first bird we saw when we got to the parking lot was a Caspian Tern.  Then we started seeing swallows over the lake.  We counted 27 violet green swallows and 2 tree swallows.  There is still very little water in the lake, but we did see two double-crested cormorants, five mallards and one fly-over canada goose.  A pair of northern harriers were displaying and a great horned owl was calling as we walked down the canal.  We saw two adult owls and heard a young one crying, but didn't find the nest.  We saw 24 species total. 

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