Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bennington Lake Osprey

There were two ospreys at the lake this morning.  We watched one successfully catch a fish on three different occasions.  How fun to watch it dive straight down from high above, go completely underwater, and come back up with a fish it its talons.  I think it was more successful than the many fishermen lining the shoreline.  The lake is once again full – so full that there were rapids along the canal and the water at the "Cayuse Falls" crossing was ankle high.  There were three varieties of swallows today – tree, violet green and cliff.  Two Townsend's solitaires were still hanging around, but they won't be around much longer.  Black-capped chickadees were nest building and Bewick's wrens were loudly defending territory.  Waterfowl today included northern shoveler, mallard, green-winged teal, American wigeon and canada goose.  A greater yellowlegs made a brief appearance when I first arrived at the parking lot.  Near the parking lot was a yellow-rumped warbler in full breeding plumage.  I can hardly wait for all the warblers to arrive! Ginger

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