Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Evening Grosbeaks at Bennington Lake

There were over 30 evening grosbeaks in the trees above the parking lot this morning when we got to the lake for our weekly walk.  They were in the conifers and also in the Russian olives.  Robins and juncos were around in huge numbers as well as numerous song sparrows and white-crowned sparrows.  Other birds of note were 3 varied thrushes, a meadowlark, 4 Townsend's solitaires, an American pipit and a great horned owl. In addition to the usual red-tailed hawks, northern harriers and American kestrels, there was also a rough-legged hawk and a Cooper's hawk. A feeding flock of little birds along the trail near the parking lot included mountain and black-capped chickadees, ruby-crowned kinglets, Bewick's wrens, juncos and a spotted towhee.  On the water were 58 canada geese and 4 common mergansers.
It was foggy and cold, but still nice to be out enjoying the walk and the birds.  Ginger

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