Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Western Bluebirds at Bennington Lake

We watched seven WESTERN BLUEBIRDS in the trees on the east side of the trail this morning.  Although bluebirds are a sign of spring, it sure didn't feel like spring on our walk.  The BEWICK'S WRENS also think it's spring – they were singing away like it was 50 degrees and sunny (which is was not).  A few CANADA GEESE, a MALLARD and a lone COOT were on the water and four noisy KILLDEER flew around the shoreline.  GREAT HORNED OWLS are nesting in the parking lot and on the far east side.  All the usual winter birds are still around, but not in the numbers we have seen before.  Spring is sure to come sooner or later, and in the meantime we'll continue to enjoy whatever birds we can find on our weekly walk.  Ginger

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