Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bennington Lake

There were more summer birds on our walk today.  We spent a great deal of time trying to locate a very noisy yellow-breasted chat at the south end of the lake, but had to be satisfied with a very brief glimpse.  In the same general area, we did get very good looks at a dusky flycatcher and the back of a lazuli bunting.  We heard several more buntings along the trail, but never got a front view of one showing its bright blue color.  However, we did get crippling views of a male black-headed grosbeak.  There were many western kingbirds, yellow warblers and house wrens – all announcing their presence with their songs.  Swallows and Vaux's swifts dotted the sky above the water and along the canal, and flock of cedar waxwings flitted in and out of the trees.  We saw or heard a total of 50 species today.  Ginger

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