Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wildflower Field Trip June 22

Priscilla Dauble led a very successful field trip into the Blue Mountains on Saturday in search of wildflowers.  We started at Target Meadows where we saw a sea of blue camas and pink elephant head louseworts in the marshy meadow.  Then it was on to the overlook on Bald Mountain to look at a variety of penstemons, scarlet gilia, and other beautiful flowers.  An added bonus there was a singing rock wren and a pair of mountain bluebirds.  Our next stops were along Summit Road where the wildflower list grew by leaps and bounds.  Our final stop was at a member's place on Weston Mountain where we were privileged to be able to see mountain lady slippers, phantom orchids, coral root and an emerging pine drop.  The weather was beautiful – a few clouds but mostly warm and sunny all day.  There is nothing like a trip to the Blue Mountains to renew and refresh body and soul!

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