Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saturday Field Trip

Ten of us joined Tom Scribner for a fun outing to check on the bluebird boxes and install new ones along Jasper Mountain Road, and along several spurs off Payne Hollow Road.  There were still numerous western bluebirds on Jasper Mountain which is always nice to see.  As he cleaned out boxes, Tom explained to the group the difference in nesting materials of bluebirds, tree swallows and house wrens.  One or two of the boxes had unhatched eggs in them which is normal.  However, four of the nests had broods of young bluebirds in them.  They had their feathers and looked ready to fledge, but for some reason they died in the nest instead.  There were other interesting birds seen on the drive including large numbers of Savannah sparrows, a great horned owl, a sharp-shinned hawk, a white-breasted nuthatch and a hairy woodpecker.  We saw a total of 24 species.

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