Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Osprey is Back!

This morning the Tuesday walkers were greeted by the osprey as we started out on our walk.  The Corp put fish in the lake a couple days ago, and like clockwork the osprey seems to know and it returns.  The lake was teaming with violet-green swallows plus a few cliff and tree swallows, all skimming across the water getting a new hatch of some tasty insect.  There was a breeding plumage double-crested cormorant on a snag.  Now we know why they are called "double-crested"  That plumage is only apparent when they are breeding.  A western meadowlark was chirping from a tree high up on the east side and there were still a few Townsend's solitaires around.  Every week will bring more birds in now.  The next couple months will be very exciting on our walks as the summer birds return.  Hope you will all get out there and enjoy their arrival.  Ginger 

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