Saturday, March 21, 2015

Snake River Birding Field Trip

Twenty-two people enjoyed a sunny but windy day of birding with Mike and MerryLynn Denny today.  Before heading north to the Snake River, we stopped along Detour Road to check out the gulls, sparrows and hawks in the fields.  There were several singing Savannah sparrows and a surprise find – a Harris's sparrow.  One field was full of raptors including two Harlan's red-tailed hawks and a rough-legged hawk.  Our first stop on the river was Hollebeke HMU where highlights were a merlin, great-horned owls and an immature bald eagle.  We next went to Fishhook Park where we saw another great horned owl, a golden-crowned kinglet, several yellow rumped warblers, a noisy belted kingfisher and the usual robins, juncos and flickers. We saw a total of 50 species. Thanks Mike and MerryLynn for a great trip.

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