Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bennington Lake

More new arrivals today - western wood peewee, warbling vireo, black-headed grosbeak, McGillivray's warbler, Wilson's warbler and Nashville warbler.  We also saw three flycatcher species - dusky, Hammond's and least. There continue to be many house wrens and yellow warblers....and swallows (rough-winged, violet green, cliff and tree).  Noisy western kingbirds and Bullock's orioles could be heard in several locations and lazuli buntings sang from the treetops. The young northern saw-whet owl is still hiding in the cottonwoods and the two young great horned owls were sitting in a tree along the canal.  Finally, a pair of red-breasted nuthatches may be nesting along the west side trail.  Not the type of habitat where you would normally find nuthatches.  I love spring!  Ginger

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