Monday, May 25, 2009

Jasper Mountain Road

Joe and Carolyn joined Rodger and I this morning for a trip up Jasper Mountain.  In the deciduous trees we found western wood peewees, yellow warblers, Bullock's orioles and black-headed grosbeaks.  A little further up in the riparian areas we found western tanagers, willow flycatchers, house wrens, and MacGillivray's warblers.  There were six western bluebirds by the boxes and also two pairs of tree swallows.  At the "T" we found Hammond's flycatchers, yellow-rumped warblers, a hairy woodpecker, and a Say's phoebeChipping sparrows and robins were abundant and we also saw a Savannah sparrow.  We heard a hermit thrush singing - a definite sound of summer!  We identified several other birds by their songs but didn't see them. We didn't find any red-naped sapsuckers or black-backed woodpeckers, but hopefully we will the next trip.  It was a beautiful morning and so nice to get up into the woods.  Traffic was pretty heavy with rigs coming down after spending the long weekend in the mountains.

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