Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bennington Lake today


It was cold and windy this morning, but 8 of us walked Bennington Lake anyhow, and weren't disappointed with the birds we saw.  There were swallows everywhere—all five species, but mostly tree, bank and cliff.  Yellow-rumped warblers dazzled us with their breeding plumage and western kingbirds adorned the tops of the trees and shrubs.  The long-eared owls have all fledged, but the two great horned owl chicks were still in their hole in the parking lot cliff.  We saw a Hammond's flycatcher, heard several orange-crowned warblers, a yellow-warbler and one person saw a gray catbird. The weather might not show it, but the birds are saying that spring is here.  We had 42 species of birds today on our walk.       Ginger

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