Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bennington Lake today

It was cold and it was windy, but it didn't seem to bother the birds.  The birds seemed to be concentrated along the canal where they were out of the wind and had access to water in the canal.  We counted 27 yellow-rumped warblers along this stretch and at least 45 white-crowned sparrows.  There were several orange crowned warblers and two Nashville warblers in the mix plus 8 yellow warblers.  We heard a Townsend's warbler and a Cassin's vireo, but couldn't find either.  However we were able to find a singing a warbling vireoHouse wrens were around in good numbers.  There were several western kingbirds, three osprey, and a surprising number of ducks - shovelers, buffleheads, wigeons, mallards and ring-necked ducksSwallows were abundant - all species with the exception of barn.  We saw a total of 50 species this morning - a good day despite the "wintery" weather.        Ginger

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