Thursday, March 31, 2011

Osprey at Bennington Lake

The osprey is back at Bennington Lake.  We saw it this morning on our weekly walk.  There is water in the lake now and there were a few mallards, wigeons and canada geese.  Tree swallows and a violet-green swallow were circling over the bench that overlooks the lake.  There was still a northern shrike and four Townsend's solitaires - I imagine they will be off to their nesting sights soon.  The birds were all singing today - even a ruby-crowned kinglet, and we watched a black-capped chickadee excavating a hole in a snag.  We saw a beautiful pair of kestrels, a pair of northern harriers and a rough-legged hawk.  Even though it was windy, the warm temperatures made for a very pleasant walk.  Every week should bring in more birds now - I love spring!   Ginger

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