Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big Birds at Bennington

The wind was howling as we walked around Bennington Lake this morning, so the little birds were all hunkered down and hard to find.  In spite of the weather we saw some nice birds.  The OSPREY was there and an adult BALD EAGLE circled overhead.  A pair of NORTHERN HARRIERS glided by and three RED-TAILED HAWKS soared high above the dam.  Along the canal was a WILD TURKEY and a RING-NECKED PHEASANT.  The lake actually had white caps on it, but we did find four MALLARDS and a pair of LESSER SCAUP.  VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOWS were too numerous to count and there were a few TREE SWALLOWS mixed in.   The sun was out so we put up with the wind and enjoyed our walk.  Ginger

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